Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 700 Maple Vista, Imlay City, MI 48444    (810) 724-1135


The Sacred Heart Mass Schedule can be found in the news section below.

Rev. Charles Altermatt, Moderator and Priest in Solidum of our Thumb Vicariate Family of Parishes 2, welcomes you to Sacred Heart Parish.

Parish Financial Support:  Sacred Heart needs your support.  We have returned to our normal schedule of Masses, we continue to maintain the church building, and, importantly, continue our outreach ministries. We ask that, to the best of your ability, you continue to make your weekly offertory donations even if you choose to remain home due to health concerns, by mailing them to Sacred Heart Church, 700 Maple Vista, Imlay City, MI 48444. Please mail checks only. Checks can be made out to Sacred Heart Church. Online giving is also available; see the following section for links.

Thank you for your continued support of our parish!

Online Giving

Sacred Heart:  Sacred Heart Giving


Mass Times


12:00pm (Spanish)


6:00 pm (Bilingual)
9:00 am

Confession Times

Saturday 3:00-3:45pm at St. Cornelius, Dryden


Like and follow our Facebook page!  CLICK HERE

Office Hours

Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

To contact a priest in an emergency, please call 313-596-7450.


For the current Sacred Heart & St. Cornelius bulletin, click here:  Bulletins

Knights of Columbus

Click HERE to visit the Knights of Columbus Council 4556 website.














Regular Mass Times

Weekend Masses

Sunday:    10:00 am (English)

Sunday:    12:00 pm (Spanish) 

Weekday Masses

Tuesday:   6:00 pm (Bilingual)

Thursday:  9:00 am

Confessions and Adoration

Sunday:  11:00 am (Bilingual)